Brand Warrior ProgramTM



A hero’s journey. A homecoming for Brand Warriors. A celebration of individuality and togetherness around a campfire.

A guided bespoke leadership master-course to grow a team of Brand Warriors who will design heart-on-their-sleeve human experiences for your brand.

This is your personal invite to join the Brand Warrior Revolution.

The Brand Warrior Program is for courageous leaders who want to leave a lasting legacy and guide your tribe to victory with a culture where everyone feels valued and cared for.

It’s for leaders who aren’t afraid to step up first. Who understand that successful brands invest in and nourish passionate Brand Warriors.

We’re on the cusp of a new revolution.

The new world belongs to people and organisations who understand that you cannot ask people to be creative in captivity.

It belongs to leaders who want to design human experiences and build contagious, charismatic problem-solvers.

It belongs to leaders who want to align people to purpose and passion.

It belongs to leaders who want to transform their work culture into a place where your business’ purpose is made alive through your people’s personal passion.

It belongs to leaders who empower others to become leaders in their own lives.

People who understand that goodness and integrity are contagious.

People like you.



Becoming a Brand Warrior is about creating alchemy between personal brands and corporate brands.

Aligning people to purpose and passion

Unlocking human potential and multiplying the impact

Creating human connection

Building contagious, charismatic problem-solvers

Empowering real-time design thinking

Spreading love, energy, knowledge and know-how

Being truly human together

Teach a man to fish (vs. give a man a fish)

A Brand Warrior is a person who:

Is proud of their craft

Achieves mastery through curiosity and continuous learning

Is courageous enough to speak up and stand up for what they believe in

Is clear on their purpose and personal values

Has a conviction to make an impact

Is kind to themselves and others

Is creative and resourceful in how they solve problems

Is armed with support and skills that promote and protect brand experiences

A Brand Warrior listens, they share without fear, they protect their people.

A Brand Warrior stands for and protects your brand with courage.

A Brand Warrior is a leader who empowers others to become leaders in their own lives.

A Brand Warrior leads your brand growth from the inside out.

A guardian of human potential, a Brand Warrior inspires your people to lead with courage, humanity and make an impact with their craft.

A Brand Warrior gives a damn and becomes the change they want to see in their community.

A Brand Warrior shows other people how to live in colour instead of black and white.



Your Brand Warriors create amazing experiences for humans. Experiences your customers won’t ever want to forget and your employees never want to leave.

Your workplace is kind to humans and nurtures their potential.

Your leaders trust and encourage your people to do magic with their craft.

Your employees feel validated and appreciated so they create amazing experiences for your customers. The enthusiasm is contagious.

Your Brand Warriors involve as many people as possible in your CX initiatives, so caring about your customers becomes part of your business’ DNA.

People feel the desire to join your brand. And even more desire to stay.

Your Brand Warriors lead your brand growth from the inside out.

Your Brand Warriors protect your brand by showing up with honesty, openness, passion, courage and integrity.

Your Brand Warriors see the whole picture. They can pinpoint where the gaps in skills are and plan how to close those gaps to work together better. People understand what role they play and the impact they have on each other.



Your customer and employee experiences feel stale with a jarring contrast between what you promise as a brand and the reality of what your customers and employees experience with you every day.

Your people are on autopilot.

Your people lack passion for their work.

Your employees feel exhausted and don’t have the emotional and mental energy to put themselves in your customers’ shoes. This apathy flows on and spoils your customers’ experiences.

Only parts of your team are involved in the creation of your CX.

People initially feel excited to join your brand, then disappointed when they realise you don’t live up to your brand promise.

Your brand is stagnant and doesn’t grow.

Your brand and reputation isn’t protected by your people. It’s vulnerable to erosion.

Your workplace suffers from the disease of the silo mentality, where people don't speak to each other, departments work in isolation and they never know an answer.



The professional development programs you’re used to = the corporate equivalent of a box of stale crackers.

Most corporate training programs spew the same rhetoric, hold your team hostage with a PowerPoint presentation and make absolutely no difference to your bottom line AND the very real, nuanced, fascinating human beings whose values, passions and experiences enrich (and dare we say create) your culture.

As a leader, you know already that you can’t expect humans to be creative in captivity and simultaneously see glowing customer testimonials, better customer relationships and improved profit.

They promise results, but ultimately fall short. Because they neglect human potential in favor of a technical solution that focuses on just numbers and processes.

We empower your people to architect human experiences every day. With courage and empathy.


Promise to leaders


We take the haphazard, unmanaged journeys and deliberately design human experiences to deliver on your brand promises and outcomes.

If you enroll yourself and your team in the Brand Warrior Program, you’ll:

Leave a powerful legacy as the leader who transformed your company into an innovative and people-focused organisation

Learn how to solve problems with real empathy for your customers (and improve your customer engagement scores)

Transform the way your team designs and delivers your employee experiences so you can retain more top talent

Improve teamwork and cooperation for better problem-solving and more profit

Get customer-centric products to market faster

This is real, nourishing human work that will impact your business’ bottom line, not just a tick box exercise.

Promise to individuals


The promise we make to every single person who joins the Brand Warrior Program:

If you show up and go all in, you will become a more courageous, self-aware human, confident that you can use your unique gifts and passion to live your life according to your values.

Your learning starts with asking ALL the questions and ends with showing up as a Brand Warrior in every aspect of your life.

(Yes. Everywhere: at work, at home, with your family at the dinner table, at your kid’s soccer game, as a leader in your community: EVERYWHERE.)

You'll wake up feeling like you're living on purpose.
You'll show up in integrity to yourself first.
You'll follow through on those things you know you want to do.

Even when it feels hard.

Even when the journey ahead looks full of scary monsters (you’ll know how to conquer them!)

Even when (and especially when!) the easy thing to do would be to ignore or hide from the problem, to uphold the status quo, or to keep pretending that this just fine version of life is A-OK.

All of this starts when you make the commitment to show up for yourself as a Brand Warrior.

This may or may not be the right program for you. But no matter what you decide, you are worthy and capable of stepping up for yourself. You are the master of your fate.

Design A Journey That Will Make Your Employees Brand WarriorsTM



We need a different lens to see each other (and ourselves) clearly.

Because it’s so much easier to be seen in the professional world, when finally... you see yourself.

We want to gather your tribe, welcome them back home and reunite them with their personal purpose.

We want to remind each of them of their immense possibility and potential.

Your customer and employee experiences are THE only competitive advantages that truly matter.

Your employee experience and your customer experience are interconnected.

Your employee journey creates your customer experience.